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The Motivational Handbook

101 powerful tips on motivation.
Easy to read. Easy to implement. Straight to the point.

Here are just a few of the titles of the tips inside this books:

  • Know that negative thoughts are normal
  • Find the right inspiration
  • Be your own inspiration
  • Set a final goal
  • Segment your goal
  • Recall your goal daily
  • Exercise humble optimism
  • Exercise healthy pessimism
  • Jump ahead
  • Visualize the steps you need to take
  • Rewarding yourself to stay motivated.
  • How to reach your goals by having a "goal buddy"
  • How to take on challenges to help you succeed.
+ much, much more!


  1. This one is great book too. I notice you uploaded money making books more than motivational books. You should upload more on this category! (Suggestion) Cheers!

    1. Thanks for your suggestion my friends. I will upload many books from variant categories soon. Stay tune


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